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Giants of the Earth

An amateur animated film produced by Dx3 Studios.
Genesis 6:4:  There were Giants in the Earth in those days, and also after, when the sons of God came to the daughters of men and bare them children.  These were the mighty men of old, men of reknown.

Seth Lance begins as a quiet and reserved college student with a pale complexion.  His life takes a turn for the better when he meets Breanna, a woman filled with life and energy.  As they grow close, he slowly opens up, and she finds stability she has never had, until...


Not that these videos began in 2010, and I have been learning all along.  The further the story progresses, the higher the quality.  As much as I am embarassed to post the old videos, there is still value both in the story, as well as the ability to see how far I have come in terms of skill.

Most Recent Video
Scene J-1

Lance seeks to say goodbye to Breanna, to visit her grave, but things do not turn out as he imagined.

Scene E4

Even as Lance and Breanna share there first kiss, they also share their last, as a myysterious being kidnaps Lance...


This video has been reuploaded and edited to better pace the story, but it is still one of the firs in the series, the animation is rough, there is no lipsyncing, and audio is poor.  It is,however, a crucial point in the story

Scene F6


Erebus had kidnapped Lances mother, a nurse, who cared for Lance's wounds until he was strong again.  Erebus now begins to unfold his purpose for abducting Lance.  Erebus is fighting a war with the Kings of the east, south, and north -- Odin.  He sends Lance to destroy Aesir, the outpost of Odin.

Scene F-7

After Erebus used Lance's mother as extortion to manipulate Lance into destroying Aesir, Lance spends time with his mother, and learns the full story of his childhood.

Scene G-1

Lance mourns Breanna, and gets to know his fellow prisoners, Ryan the giant and Scales the dragon.

Scene G-2

Lance's first mission for Erebus, to destroy the fortress of Utgard.

Scene G-3

Lance makes a deal with Erebus, he will fight in his war, so long as Erebus treats his mother, and Ryans mother, kindly.

Scene G-4

War -- Lance spends the next 6 years systematically destroying Odin, one fortress at a time.  He becomes hardened and callous, and his memories of Breanna fester.

Scene G-5

Only one fortress of Odin remains, Yddrassil.  After its destruction, Lance expects to be freed, having fulfilled his bargain to Erebus.  Things do not turn out as expected.

Scene G-6

Realizing that Erebus will never release him or those he cares for, and that he has spent the last 6 years fighting on the same side as the one who killed Breanna, Lance decides to defy Erebus and ultimately end his life by starvation.  Erebus sends Lance's mom to convince him otherwise, and Lance's mom realizes they must escape.

Scene H-1

Lance has escaped, but at a cost of his mom, Ryan and his mom.  A kind soul finds Lance and takes him in, and slowly Lance recovers, still haunted by his past

Scene J-1

Lance seeks to say goodbye to Breanna, to visit her grave, but things do not turn out as he imagined.

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