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Tips, tricks, advice, and how-to videos to impart knowledge.
Using reference footage in Blender.

In this video I describe several methods for importing video footage into Blender to use as reference for animation.  Briefly:


I.   Obtain video

II.  Convert to jpgs

III. Import into Blender

      A.  As a background image

      B.  In the VSE

      C.  In a 2nd instance of Blender

IV.  Animate!

Quick and Dirty motion capture in Blender.

Here I describe a quick method for converting motion capture data into actions that can be passed between characters and scenes in animations.  Summarizing:


I.    Obtain Mocap data

II.   Parent a set of simple objects to bones

III.  Set up character rig to copy motion capture

IV.  Bake mocap to an action

Simple rigging in Blender (3 part series).

This 3-part tutorial explains how to give a simple rig to a quadraped monster.  The quadraped is fairly high poly, therefore, the deformation cage method is shown.  First, A simple mesh that encases the complex mesh is created.  This mesh is rigged manually, and finally the complex mesh is bound to the deformation cage.

Complete Animation tutorial for beginner and advanced users.

I originally published this tutorial as a 14 part series, which was consolidated and rebroadcast by the Software Tutorials youtube page.  In this video I discuss importing characters, animating the characters, switching cameras.  It's one of my first tutorials, and VERY rough around the edges, but from a technical perspective, it teaches a number of tricks and shortcuts

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