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The difficulties of my artistry

In high school, I drew comics. I drew a LOT of comics. I came home from wrestling after school, and between dinner and bedtime, I sat at my drawing table in my room and drew. And I never showed anyone. Not until I was a senior. I eventually walked into art class and showed the class my stuff, and they were stunned. I was drawing professional quality comics in my spare time. But I hid it, because of self criticism (I am rarely that impressed with my work) and more potently, I was ashamed of the content -- or what people would think about the content. How would they judge me? Someone once said "You draw things that look like demons..." This filled me with guilt -- did the things I draw shame my God? Because, as much as there are images of butterflies and angels, I have many more of Batman giving a bloody nose to the Joker.

So there were two reasons I was reluctant to share my artwork. First, the quality -- to me it looks like scribblings of a child. Second the content -- does it bring disgrace upon my saviour?

These issues extend today. As I have grown to enjoy animation -- as I bring to life stories running through my head -- I hide them, and with them, 90% of my life. Eventually I reached the point with a pencil and paper that I could sufficiently express the images of my head or heart on paper. But my videos still watch like an 8 year olds foray into storytelling. And second, the content - do my stories glorify God or do they magnify the base condition of humanity.

So anyway -- here is my creative website. Here is 90% of my life. I hope you enjoy bouncing around, I hope you see something you like.


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