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"Not only this, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan within ourselves, eagerly awaiting the adoption, the redemption of the body... This image tells a story, Romans 8:28 always reminded me of growing up... When I was a kid, my parents had a second job cleaning apartment buildings. One evening each week they took my older brother and went to clean, while my grandparents came over to babysit. I could never go with them because I had to help watch my baby brother. I always hated it, I got so scared they would never come home. Get in an accident or something. So many nights I stood by our living room window, watching, and groaning inside, as each headlight passed down the road, hoping the next one would be my parents. They were my safety, and my security. I've grown older, and don't wait by the window for my parents anymore. But alot of times I find myself looking at the sky, feeling the same way...

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