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Pray for those in authority over you

Pray for those in authority over you...

When David sinned against Bathsheba, there were 3 people involved – David and Bathsheba, who committed adultery, and Uriah, who was killed to cover the sin.

But the punishment was severe. Not only did the conceived child die, but because of this sin, David lived the rest of his life at war -- war with those on the outside, the Philistines, and more significantly, war in his own family – as his son led an uprising and brought death and shame to his fathers household.

The point is this – the consequences meted to the king, bled down to every one of his subjects. The citizens felt the consequences of the sins of the government.

The bible says “pray for those in authority over you.” I guess the moral is, pray as though your life depended on it. It might.

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