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“Owe nothing to anyone, except love...”

“Owe nothing to anyone, except love...”

I have a character flaw. I am stubbornly independent and not good at asking for help. I get that from my dad. I remember way back when I was a kid. Dad was building a waterbed for Devon. Mom and Devon would be gone this particular evening, mom told me I would need to help dad hold some pieces of wood while dad fastened them together. So, I waited downstairs in the TV room, next door to the workroom where dad was working. Dad would ask for help when he needed it.

He never asked for help. Eventually mother came home, went down to check how things went; and I got a good chewing because dad had been fighting the construction all night while I watched TV across the wall.

He never asked for help. And I really didn't want to help so I wasn't about to offer.

And now I am the same way. I don't ask for help, I don't even like to accept help when it is freely offered. I feel like I become indebted. And God said to owe a debt to no one, so...

Except I can't deny the one person I am indebted to. And I will never be able to repay. My dad. He taught me to drive (with a little yelling and screaming). He got me my first job working construction (which “built character”). Unlike mom who, during wrestling, yelled at my _opponent_ to let me go; my dad yelled at _me_ to get off my ass and TAKE. HIM. DOWN! He got me wrestling shoes, even at a time when money was very tight. He bought me my first weight set, which was very expensive – but he was thrilled because “I used it.” He fixed up my first vehicle (it was supposed to be a partner thing, but he did most the work). And he ultimately put me through college. And he is still the one our entire family goes to for help. When our cars break down, when our faucets leak, when our siding is disheveled. He still carries the family.

Happy Father's Day Dad. You've carried three boys on your shoulder and made us all men that can carry others. Thank you is all I can say in response to a debt I can never repay.

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